Giving eggs as gifts

Yes you heard us right! We think eggs and in fact all local produce is the perfect gift all year round, but especially over Christmas and New Year.   

Whenever we visit friends and family over the festive period and in fact at any time during the rest of the year, we always take our delicious eggs with us to give as a gift. Perhaps somebody is having you over for dinner, perhaps somebody you love isn’t feeling too well or maybe you have a new born baby to celebrate- for any occasion we always try to encourage people to take eggs with them to give a gift that is a little different.

Don’t get me wrong, traditional gifts such as flowers and choccies are beautiful and lovely but food gifts are becoming increasingly popular and there is just something about receiving a product that is unusual, useful and that you can do something with that makes people so appreciative.

There is no better time to do this than over the Christmas and New Year holidays. When you take somebody that local produce, you are perhaps giving them a chance to try something that they have never experienced before. Maybe it will be our Organic eggs, maybe it will be some local sparkling wine, locally made cheeses or some sausages produced right on your doorstep. We are surrounded by wonderful producers and it is a perfect opportunity to share this with other people.

Who knows? They may love the product so much that they continue to purchase it over the years to come. If so, there will be a farmer who will be forever grateful that you decided to gift their product that they enjoy and work so hard to produce.

Local, small producers and businesses are absolutely incredible and so important to our country. It is the perfect time of year to show your support and spread the word.

Love Kelly x

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